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In 2005, our team began providing our customers with Allimax® and AlliUltra®, two excellent mid-level solutions which were designed to assist the general public with improving their immune systems.  Just one year later, in 2006 we were introduced to the much stronger and more effective (physician strength) Allimed®.  With the addition of Allimed®, our team was then able to not only provide our non-medical customers with a much stronger immune supporter, but we were also able to provide this amazing product to physicians and clinics throughout North America. Today, our team ships Allimed® to our medical and non-medical customers in numerous countries around the world. 

Family owned and driven by Judeo-Christian values.

Our goal

To provide a proactive and preventive approach to health, through basic physiological laws which address’ one’s health needs from a “root cause” methodology.


To provide accurate and current information for those desiring to make and maintain lifestyle changes.


Discover how AlliMed, is produced using only 100% stabilised allicin. Norman Bennett, managing director of Allicin International, talks about how he came across allicin while working as a chemical engineer and created a unique food supplement. Now supplied to distributors world wide, it has become a best selling natural supplement.
